Nanode – 0547

Light Sensor 24 hour view

Light Sensor 24 hour view

My Nanode, serial number 0547, has been sitting on the window sill of the spare bedroom since the first week of september and has been running continuously now, apart from when we had someone staying over, since about the 14th september.

It has been running a sketch based on a combination of the many examples out there using Andrew Lindsay‘s Ethershield Library for the Nanode’s ENC28J60 and utilises the on board MAC chip, DHCP and DNS lookup for Pachube. Three analog inputs are being monitored and and the data being pushed upto Pachube. The feed number is 35364.

Light Sensor - 1 week view

Light Sensor - 1 week view

The three sensors were temperature, light and supply voltage and they are all breadboard mounted next to the Nanode. There is clearly something wrong with the temperature sensor, an LM35, but I have ignored it as I was more interested in seeing how reliable the nanode and sketch was. The light sensor is a simple LDR, and on the one week and 24 hour graphs, clearly shows daylight, night time and when the lights hve been turned on in the evening. The third sensor is a simple voltage divider with the value being x100 and shows the value to be between 4.98 and 4.99 volts